2024 Week 7 Recap Mixed with Week 8 Prediction

by Jeff Gunn

Matadors At Warhawks

Game Prediction: Matadors 34 – Warhawks 0

The Dors are back after their week off. In their last outing they dropped 82 (and the only team to give up 6 to Guardians *point n’ laugh). Nothing the Warhawks do is going to scare them offensively nor defensively. They are vastly superior at every single position across the board. But they still need to take care of business. Especially in a seeding situation that puts so much value on points allowed. They’ve locked in playoffs, but don’t control their own destiny. They need some help from (*gasp) BT if they want a 1 seed. So it makes sense to focus on just getting a shutout. On the other hand, stats matter for Awards and All-stars. They’ll be the first to give you all the coach speak “We only care about 1 award” publicly, but behind closed doors talk very much about protecting players with 1stteam nods. Plus Jared Smith is right in the mix for league MVP. So I expect him to come out guns blazin’. WR Grant Roberts ACL recovery is up for Comeback Player of the Year, and they don’t have a rusher in the Top 7. LB Pat Hamilton needs 8 tackles to take the League Lead and Nicholson and Daffer are in a dead heat for Sack leader. Dors remaining schedule post Warhawks is Alphas. Which they should win, but the Alphas need a dub somewhere to get in, so chaos could ensue.


1. Give up less than 2 Sacks.

2. 100 total rushing yards.

3. Force 2 Turnovers on Defense.

Warhawks were just destroyed by the Alphas (26-0). That’s back to back games getting shutout. (3 in a row against teams not named Guardians). Will they hit the Trifecta? The Warhawks are technically still alive for playoffs in the chaotic scenario that them, Alphas, and Savage all finish 4-4. There would offsetting head to head’s and point’s against scenario would come into play. But in order for any of that to matter, they have to win out. Which is more than a long shot. Especially if you can’t figure out how to score points. The Warhawks just don’t have game breaking speed. They have solid players, but none of them are very fast. Which means you have to string together an entire drive of perfect plays against a Top 3 Defense. I just don’t see it. I fully expect your 4th time getting shutout this season. Davis Eckebrecht (guaranteed me he’d lead the league in receiving), you’re currently 16th in receiving. You only need 121 yards over the next 2 games, as long as nobody else in the league catches another pass this season. On the other side, I do like your defense. You’ll give up points, but you have the ability to frustrate the Dors into some mistakes. Nobody has more experience against the Dors offense than your DC, so he will have ya mentally prepared. Your current avg score is 10 for, 15+ against. Your only chance of winning this game (and again, it’s not happening) is a score of like 8-6. Full playoff mode tomorrow. Lose and done.


1. 0 Turnovers!

2. 0 penalties.

3. Double team Cole Nicholson with a RB/TE.

Best Match Up – Warhawk Front 7 vs Matador Run Game.

Biggest Mismatch – Warhawk Run game vs Matador Front 7.

Bold Prediction – Dors lead the league in blocked kicks and score on Defense almost every game, so it isn’t that far fetched to expect them to score a non-offensive TD this week. I’ll also bet the Warhawks get shutout again.

Guardians At Savage

Game Prediction: Guardians 6 – Savage 40

Savage showed up with 15 total dudes last week against BT. Which should still be enough to beat the Guardians 15. But seriously Savage, your playoff hopes are still alive. You hold the head to head over the Alphas. Assuming they lose twice, and you win, you’ll have the same record. If the Warhawks beat the Sabers (defly possible), you’d be in. If the Sabers won, it would come down to points against, which does not bode well for you (211 points allowed). I think RJ and Clay out there alone are elusive enough to rush for 200 yards on the Guardians. (seriously, 2 players against 11, I’m taking Orlando). But still, you guys need to get your numbers back and amped for potential playoffs. Send apologies, bribe em, do what yagotta do. You need Jai Jones there (was looking forward to going against him last week). It’s no secret you guys don’t have a QB (all 3 season ending IR). Austin Whiting isn’t terrible, but not good enough. Bringing your best target Kolaker in at QB doesn’t make any sense. I know you love RJ at RB. But I think it’s time to put RJ at QB, Clay next to him, and go read option all damn day. You can still do an occasional dump off to TE AJ Smith or put one up to Park.


1. 20+ players present. 

2. Run the damn ball. 

3. Pitch the Shutout.

Best Match Up – Guardian O vs Savage D (both F+)

Biggest Mismatch – Guardian D vs Savage O

Bold Prediction – Savage listens to none of what I just wrote. Paul shows up with an entirely new playbook he got from Madden 19 the night before, puts Prince Kolaker at QB, and impersonates his best Jameis Winston in a 5 TO toilet bowl battle.

Alphas At Aztecs - Game of the Week! 

Game prediction: Alphas 13 – Aztecs 27

Alphas, Double elimination playoffs start for you this week. If you win either of your next 2 games (Aztecs/Matadors) you’re locked into the 4 seed. If you lose both, there’s a chance you don’t get in at all. You guys match up really well with the Aztecs. You need to bring that same team that almost knocked off BT. Eldredge needs to have a clean day (9 INT this season). Those will be your downfall. The Aztecs have forced 11 INT’s this year. They’ve also generated 21 Sacks (2nd in ICFL). I know against us you played Bowers on D the whole way, and very little O. I’d do the opposite this week. Aztecs aren’t a run heavy team like us (55% pass heavy). You gotta score points and he’s easily your best weapon. On D you better follow RB #20 (this feels like NCAA 14 prior to NIL) everywhere he goes. (63 carries this season). Only 6 catches though, so they don’t throw to him. They do love to line up in pro set (2 RB’s) play action #20 then throw the swing to the opposite back across (he generally goes behind the QB). In the pass game it’s 2 guys. Little speedy #80 is your heavy usage guy (league leading 22 catches). He’s elusive. But in the gotta have it moments, big #5 is where they’re going. (16 catches, but league leader at 5 TD). I’d prob mix a lot of zones on 1stand 2nd down, keying on #80. Then man press and blitz my ass off on 3rd down with the safety hovering over #5. I know the Aztecs are ranked #1, but I actually think you have a better shot at this one on the road than you do next week at home. You guys just match up better here than you do next week. And hold the mic, if you were to somehow win both, ultimate chaos. Do it.


1. 0 Turnovers from Eldredge.

2. Bowers has to score twice.

3. Hold Colon/Hull under 100 yds.

Aztecs are off the BYE and undoubtedly spent it focusing on #27 (between beers of course). Or maybe not, I keep getting texts/messages from Aztec guys leading me to believe they’re focused on 6/1. Which makes this a trap game. I’ll tell ya first hand that if overlook the Alphas (cuz you’re looking ahead to Dors the next week) they will catch yanappin’. But who am I to tell you guys what to do. You’re the kings of the castle, and we’re just lowly 3rd place jesters. You guys have the most difficult remaining schedule. Depending on a few things, you guys could lose 1 of them, and still get the 1 seed. But ya can’t drop both.

Best Match Up – Bowser vs The Viking

Biggest Mismatch – Confidence vs Humility. I know that sounds dumb, but let me explain. Do the Alphas actually believe they will win? If they do, confidence is wind in their sails. Whereas too much confidence for Aztecs is actually an anchor. Alphas are traditionally an ultra humble crew, but maybe a bit of a role reversal could light the cannons of both teams this week. (sry, been watching Black Sails this week).

Bold Prediction – I think the Alphas score first, which wakes up a sleeping Aztecs. But it’s tough to recover and turn it on mid-game. I would know, we have to do it every week. Tight game in the 3rd, Aztecs seal it in the 4th with a big impact game sealing play to put it 2 scores outta reach.