2024 Week 4 Recap Mixed With Week 5 Predictions

by Jeff Gunn

Aztecs at Savage

Aztecs 34 – Savage 6

Aztecs are fresh off the bye. Which is a blessing because they don’t exactly have a walk in the park in front of them. Remaining schedule includes Savage, Warhawks, Bye, Alphas, Bye, BT. They’ll be favored in most of them, but they aren’t easy by any means. Warhawks and Alphas have Grit, and are fighting for that final post season birth. An upset over a team overlooking them would go a long way. I don’t see that this weekend though. I commend the Tecs, as the biggest knock on them has been their over dependence on Hull. Marc Colon is a legit weapon, and takes a ton of pressure off. Barber does his share as well obviously. But I’m curious what happened with Straughter? I assume because he was an OL for you, and the WHawks offered him the farm? DL, TE, maybe even some RB? Now the Tecs are maybe a little over dependent on Hoffman on defense. He has double the tackles of their 2ndleader. I know they are solid everywhere, but there’s 1 true star. Which generally makes game planning easier. With just 4 games left, I’m just patiently waiting for a Frank Pinkney contract submission any day now.


1. Get back in the groove. Bye’s have a way of creating rust. No turnovers, and limit penalties.

2. Stay healthy and spread the rock. Everyone knows Barber totes it 15 times a game. Mix in Donald in the run, and Huff/Kov/Barb/Dren in the passing game.

3. Need a 2ndand 3rd defender to step up. Gilbreath, or someone, needs to out produce Hoff this week.

I mentioned we finally found out who the Savage were, and in true Savage fashion, the implosion has begun. It started with QB Koby Spencer done for season (that one hurts). To make matters worse, back up QB Jordan Else may be done as well with a knee. And 3rd QB Allen Gallegos was (concussed?) a couple weeks ago. That leaves them scouring the deep interwebs for a QB. Then we saw Savage players fighting on the sideline, and post game. As several Savage players left the venue they made the sentiment known they were quitting. What’s crazy is how much the Savage were in that 36-0 game… until Koby went down. I actually thought they looked like the better team. But then couldn’t move the ball whatsoever with a carousel of non-QB’s. I don’t really understand the lack of touches for Orlando Clay. Your best player got 2 carries, and 2 catches. Apparently having been supplanted at RB by RJ Williams (19 touches). And there’s still way too many drops. Kolaker is still mad I’m sure. The defense is still up to par, provided those players continue to show up. Jai Jones is an absolute game (and spine) breaker, and you have 4 tacklers in the Top 12 of the ICFL. Your season is NOT done. Adversity happens in sports, but you guys are still alive having beaten the Warhawks and Alphas. You guys are still in the drivers seat, so how well will you pick up the pieces of your ego, and overcome a shellacking? Do you learn, or do you quit? Do you have that dawg in you? Show it. Take your beating this weekend, then you get a bye. (Then BT, bye, bye, Guardians).


1. Use the weapons you have. More 2 back sets with RJ and Clay in the backfield together. 8+ carries each. Plus takes pressure off new QB.

2. No drops. Gotta create confidence in your game manager.

3. Retain the remaining players, and carry each other through adversity. You’re going to lose this weekend, so don’t let it continue to snowball.

Best Match Up – Jai Jones vs Aztec ball carriers. Head on a swivel.

Biggest Mismatch – Aztec front 7 vs Savage OL

Bold Prediction – Aztecs turn the ball over more than they should to keep the Savage respectably close in the 1sthalf, then pull away as Savage depth/moral falters. Savage have to score on ST or Defense.

Black Tide at Matadors - Game of the week!

Black Tide 14 – Matadors 13

BT, for the 3rd week in a row now, has released a player to another ICFL team. This time Derik Hitesman to the Guardians. He was quickly replaced with Freddie Brown from the DBax. Same position, same number, same build. Honestly, you guys prob won’t even be able to tell them apart. Last week I called out QB completion percentage being at 43%. This week it was 46%, which technically is an improvement, but not near enough. On film you can see receivers running wild by themselves, but we’re not finding them, let alone hitting them. The Dors have been susceptible to big passes all year, you have to be able to execute those. And this weeks DL is not only the biggest, but also most athletic unit you’ve faced this season. But I think our OL matches up well. (Huss vs Ben, Buls vs Sasa, Winter vs Cole, Brinkman vs Izzy is prob the biggest mismatch). Proffit has carried the load this year, but Q has been a nice addition, and Swain back in the mix is always welcome. Defense should be back to full strength (missing 4 starters last week). But you guys are extremely familiar with this offense. You’ve seen it multiple times. Hit the QB often, he doesn’t like it. And I know ole’ Kadun wants none of you guys. Tokioka has lost a little thickness/power from last season, and I heard somebody call Garner “Wish.com Blaze.” Then there’s Oz which if you don’t break down can make you look silly, but you’re familiar with him too, and he’s only been getting like 3 touches a game. Top targets are Pena and Grant. Ross and Gabe aren’t usually too involved, mostly due to some bad drops, but expect them to be included this week. On the OL, LT is lanky, and banged up a bit. LG is their best OL. Center is big and dirty. Expect some trash from him. Right side is the weaker/slower side. BT is dead last (among real teams) in total sacks this season at 3. We have to get after Jared better. You guys also need to calm down and play like Champions. Penalties were not our friend this week. Every time we got a big stop, another 15 yard penalty gives them a first. Huge run play, nope, held. Gotta clean it up this week.


1. 50% completions.And each QB needs at least 1 pass over 20 yards.

2. Hold ex-BT players under 100 yards combined. 

3. Get 3+ Sacks on the QB (double your season total).

Matadors have a lot of confidence right now. They’re hot at the right time, and still bitter from last years Championship. Truthfully, this game matters a lot more to them than it does to BT. (BT has to beat Aztecs either way, and beating/losing to the Dors won’t matter one way or another for seeding). This is the best defense the Matadors have ever seen. Not just this year. The DL is freaky athletic. But if there’s an OL that’s built for it, it’s the Dors. They won’t be bullied by anyone. And that’ll give Jared the confidence he needs. If he gets just a little bit of time, he has the IQ the find a couple holes. The WR’s are the league’s most athletic group top to bottom (their 6th WR would start anywhere else), but has been struggling with drops as of late. Their usual advantage is just being bigger and physically imposing to small corners, but Fisher/Jamie/Peterson will be up to the task. I do think Blaze is one of the better backs in the league, and Oz is always dangerous. The Dors defense actually matches up really well with BT O. BT’s usual go to is just big on big, my guy is bigger and stronger than your guy. But the Dors are built for that too. Kind of an elephant fight where neither side can get pushed back. Which bodes well for the Dors. The only x-factor is if BT comes out throwing. The Matador corners have been a very obvious weak link all year. But the Dors are so long, and lanky, short passing windows are small. And the Dors tackle in open space as well as anyone in the league. There’s also a few grudge matches here with Dottellis, Winter, Cross, and Tipple on the other side now. Truly a battle of heavy weights. And the most anticipated match up of the regular season.


1. Score first. Make BT play catch up. They aren’t built for that and they aren’t used to being down.

2. Keep Jared upright. If Jared goes out, this game is over. Under 3 Sacks. 

3. No chunk plays given up by the corners. 0 30+ yard passes allowed.

Best Match Up – There’s so many I can’t wait to see. Winter vs Cole. Garcia vs Scale. It honestly goes on and on. These teams match up really well to each other. Dors strengths line up with BT strengths, and BT struggles go against Matador struggles.

Biggest Mismatch – I’m honestly having a really hard time coming up with one. The only thing I can think of is experience and history. BT is 7-0 against the Dors all time and has the big game pedigree. But the Dors are on a hotter streak and BT has been struggling, so it’s just going to be a fun ass match up.

Bold Prediction – The team with less penalty yards wins the game. The Dors block more punts/kicks than anyone in the league, BT almost never has to punt. I’ll bet that happens this week.

Alphas AT Guardians

Alphas 48 – Guardians 0

Holy cow Alfalfas, you buncha sand baggers! Haha. That is NOT the team that lost 18-0 to the Savage. Props to you guys, you called your shot, and almost pulled it off. BT has 1-2 of those per season. Eldrege is one of my favorite players man, he’s fun to watch. Bowers with 5 touches for 32 yards wasn’t enough. Believe me, I know how huge he was on defense, but you guys were so close. I also gained a ton of respect for Blancas. You guys had him pressed on an island all day, no help over the top, and our WR’s could not get off the jam. It was impressive. This week you guys will be able to do whatever you want to on O. Same with D. I honestly hate doing write up for Guardians games. You get a fun one this week, then a Bye. Then it’s a grind. Warhawks (basically a playoff game), then Aztecs, then Bye, then end with Dors.


1. Have fun.

DBax turmoil is Guardians gain. League has rented the remaining roster rights to the Guardians for the rest of the season. So their roster just doubled. Which will go a long way to ensuring we don’t lose a second team this season, plus give DBax players an opportunity to continue competing. The biggest obstacle will be practicing when half your roster is 2 hours away, but from the sounds of things neither team really practices anyway. I actually think this is kind of a cool save that benefits the entire league. They’re still the leagues worst team, but at leadt there will be more than 3 guys on the sideline and clocks won’t run till the 4th.

Sabers At Diamondbacks

Sabers 2 - Diamondbacks 0

Sorry Sabers, I legit feel bad for you guys. But at least now you get a free Bye going into BT week while we go have the most physical game of our season. Love the new QB you guys picked up in Emmit Johnson. Sounds like Hayden is probably done. Is Jakob Spencer still around? Who’s the starter? Johnson looked good to me. Anyway, props on the first program Dub. Bye, BT, Guardians, Bye, Warhawks remaining.

DBax: ☹